What Is the Future Application Prospect of Battery Energy Storage Stations

What Is the Future Application Prospect of Battery Energy Storage Stations?

The application status of battery energy storage technology

Currently, countries around the world have invested a lot of manpower and material resources in research on large-scale battery energy storage technology. In recent years, a large number of large-scale battery energy storage power stations have been built at home and abroad. Represented by the United States, Western countries have invested heavily in the construction of large-scale battery energy storage power stations. The United States has established a large number of energy storage power stations of different storage forms in California, Pennsylvania and other states. Its applications cover generation, ancillary services, transmission and distribution, end-users, distributed generation and microgrid industry networks, large-scale renewable energy grids, and other fields. Furthermore, different storage power stations’ functions and effects have been classified and defined, indicating the direction for the development of large-scale storage power stations worldwide.

The upper-layer energy management strategy based on the energy storage power station can achieve the complementary power generation of wind and solar power, thereby achieving the design goal of the fluctuation rate of the joint output of wind and solar power-generation, which satisfies less than 7%, and the system design goal of tracking power generation plans to achieve an error of less than 3%.

The application prospect of battery energy storage power stations

In the future, the development and application of large-scale battery energy storage systems need to focus on the following aspects:

  • For the entire production and operation process of large-scale energy storage batteries, including design, integration, installation, operation, and monitoring, safety issues need to be taken seriously, safety boundaries for different types of storage systems have to be proposed, and safety measures with sufficient reliability for possible safety hazards such as overheat, deformation, combustion, electrolyte leakage, etc., should be designed to avoid safety accidents in production.
  • Taking into account the complexity of the number of storage units and their network topological structure in large-scale/ultra-large-scale battery energy storage systems, an optimized control architecture that combines site-centered management with sub-system zoning autonomy should be proposed to fundamentally solve the contradiction between the diversity of each storage unit and the unity of application objectives, comprehensively enhance the comprehensive control capability of the battery energy storage system.
  • The effective use of big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence methods should be considered, taking into account historical and real-time operating data, achieving real-time operating status diagnosis and analysis of battery energy storage systems, performance degradation, and safety warnings, and ensuring the safe, stable, and reliable operation of large-scale centralized/distributed battery energy storage power stations.
  • For the application scenarios of large-scale centralized/distributed battery energy storage power stations and centralized/distributed new energy power generation, comprehensive consideration should be given to intelligent operation scheduling, safe and stable control, full-lifecycle management, multi-objective control management, optimal operating efficiency, and methods should be proposed to solve the problem of energy management and scientific control of different forms of battery energy storage systems under different integrated architectures.
  • Considering that large-scale centralized/distributed battery energy storage systems may be composed of mixed integration of different types and different life stages of battery energy storage units or cascade utilization of power battery energy storage units. Research and reveal the different health status, performance degradation, charge and discharge rate differences, dynamic connection characteristics after interconnectivity of different types of energy storage units in the above-mentioned multi-type battery energy storage power station. Propose a dynamic, intelligent, and differentiated charge and discharge control method for different types of battery energy storage systems to solve the problem of optimized management of batteries.
  • At different levels such as battery energy storage module, device level, and system level, research on the charging and discharging characteristics, applicability under different working conditions, safety, and economic evaluation methods of different types of large-capacity battery energy storage technology needs to be conducted, and advanced large-capacity energy storage technology’s quantitative analysis and comprehensive evaluation methods need to be mastered to support the in-depth research and engineering application of battery energy storage technology.

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