26pcs DC EV Chargers for Hong Kong EV CPO

26pcs DC EV Chargers for Hong Kong EV CPO Charge Point Operator

Current status of the Hong Kong EV charger market

The number of electric vehicle charging spaces in Hong Kong will be increased to 200,000 by mid-2027. The growth rate of electric private cars in Hong Kong is already at the forefront of the world, and the government will stop registering new fuel-driven and hybrid private cars in 2035 or earlier.

Due to the rapid growth of electric vehicles in Hong Kong, the problem of insufficient charging facilities has become increasingly serious, and many tram owners have encountered charging difficulties. In order to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles, EV charge point operators need strong partners to provide reliable electric vehicle supply equipment and technical support.

EVMS EV charger for HongKong CPO

EV charger Solution for EV CPO

As a professional EV charger solution provider, SCU adopts advanced DC fast charging technology and supports multiple charging modes to meet the charging needs of different types of electric vehicles.
This time, 26 pcs EV chargers were successfully delivered to the operator, including 14 pcs 120kW EVMS floor-standing EV chargers, dual-gun CCS2 standard, 200A guns; 12 pcs 30kW EVMS wall-mounted EV chargers, using CCS2 standard, 125A guns.

EV chargers for HongKong CPO

The floor-standing EV charger provided by SCU this time has a stable design, flexible installation, and is not restricted by wall structure. Usually, they have higher charging power and more charging sockets, can charge multiple vehicles at the same time, and are easy to maintain and manage. Typically used in open spaces such as parking lots, EV charging stations or outdoor parking spaces.

Wall-mounted EV chargers occupy a small space and are usually suitable for a single parking space or a place with limited space. They are suitable for limited parking spaces and can provide convenient charging services for a single vehicle. The combination of the two creates a flexible and efficient charging network for operators.

EV charger in underground parking lot

SCU EV charger product and service features

  • Diversified EV charger types

SCU provides various types of EV chargers such as floor-standing EV chargers, wall-mounted EV chargers, and EV chargers, with different power sizes to meet different scenarios and customer needs, and to meet the different operations of operators.

  • Customized solutions

SCU has rich experience and strength and can customize EV charger solutions according to customer needs, helping customers achieve personalized layouts and management to meet the needs of different EV charging station operators.

Wall-mounted EV charger

  • Efficient and intelligent software backend

SCU is equipped with advanced backend software to realize remote monitoring, intelligent scheduling and data analysis of EV chargers. It can conduct remote management, data analysis and fault diagnosis through the operator’s backend system, improving overall operational efficiency. It reduces maintenance costs and provides operators with convenient management methods.

  • Full technical support

SCU provides a professional technical support team, including installation, commissioning, maintenance and other full services to ensure long-term stable operation of EV chargers.

The advantage of SCU EV chargers lies not only in the high quality of the hardware but also in its intelligence and flexibility. SCU is committed to providing customers with customized solutions to meet different scenarios and needs. The floor-mounted EV chargers and wall-mounted EV chargers provided to Hong Kong EV charge point operators once again demonstrate SCU’s technical strength and market influence in the field of EV chargers.

EVMS-120KW DC EV chargers

Through successful cooperation with Hong Kong EV CPO, SCU has further consolidated its market position. In the future, SCU will continue to innovate, provide intelligent and efficient charging solutions to more regions around the world, and promote the development of global electric vehicle charging networks.

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